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Leila Ledbetter

Leila Ledbetter Profile Photo

Research & Education Librarian

Leila Ledbetter is research & education librarian at the Duke University Medical Center Library and the library liaison to the Duke University School of Nursing.

As a research specialist, Leila works with faculty, staff and students to provide library services such as: systematic reviews of the literature; classes on evidence-based practice, resources and tools; and research consultations.

Dec. 15, 2023

The art of the systematic review with Leila Ledbetter

Leila Ledbetter is research & education librarian at the Duke University Medical Center Library and the library liaison to the Duke University School of Nursing. As a research specialist, Leila works with faculty, staff and s...

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Sept. 8, 2023

Hidden treasures in your library with Leila Ledbetter and Sarah Cantr…

Leila Ledbetter and Sarah Cantrell are librarians from the Duke Medical Center Library and Archives who shed light on the underestimated role of librarians in research and education. Get ready to uncover the diverse and dynam...

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