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Aug. 12, 2024

How to know the manuscript is ready for submission

How to know the manuscript is ready for submission
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Clinician Researcher

In today's episode, Dr. Onwuemene discussed the importance of preparing a manuscript for submission. Here’s how you can assess whether your manuscript is ready for submission:

  1. Contribution Over Publication: Ensure your manuscript makes a meaningful contribution to your field. Ask yourself if your work offers new insights, data, or perspectives that advance knowledge in the area.
  2. Excellence in Execution: Review the manuscript to confirm that it reflects your best work. Check that your arguments are well-constructed, your data is robust, and your writing is clear and precise.
  3. Accuracy and Citation: Go through your factual statements and ensure they are accurate and supported by appropriate citations. This lends credibility to your work.
  4. Cautious Conclusions: Evaluate whether your conclusions are logically drawn from your data. If you’ve made tentative statements where necessary, this shows that you’re being cautious and thorough.
  5. Iterative Feedback Process: Have you gone through multiple rounds of feedback, refining the manuscript each time? Feedback is essential to polish your work.
  6. Content to Details: Start with the big picture and gradually fine-tune the details. This process ensures that the manuscript is coherent and polished.
  7. Pride in Your Work: Finally, take a moment to reflect on your manuscript. If you feel proud of what you’ve written and believe it represents your best effort, it may be ready for submission.

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This episode is sponsored by Coag Coach LLC, a leading provider of coaching resources for clinicians transitioning to become research leaders. Coag Coach LLC is committed to supporting clinicians in their scholarship.

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